Monday 17 September 2007

Well Man, bend over.....

Quite a varied clinic this morning. First a little girl with badly infected insect bites, then an 11 year old with DIB located at her throat area with Dr John thought might be subacute tonsils. Next a middle aged large expat Brit running a marine NGO comes for a well man check (his wife gets off more lightly for her well woman check) and painful arc syndrome. He gets his prostate checked by Dr John 'Family Guy' style bent over the his prostate is deep in and Dr John shoots from the hip.... Next I have a spanish speaking lady - so I have to dash back to the treehouse for my Spanglish notes from my SSM. Not bad consultation although I couldn't remember how the referral process went in English or Spanish so that went a bit wrong but on the whole, I think Marisol would have been pleased...and Dr John was quite impressed. I find out after the clinic finished that Sophia paid me a compliment - she wished I could stay for a year! Wow that's praise especially coming from her.

Afternoon sees us starting our projects for Cherry Mae and we go into full fledged art attack with the posters. Suddenly a Mayan family in headscarves appear below shouting for help so I go and see what's up. They bold up a screaming 2yo with the most awful scalds on her arms. I am torn an shocked - I know I should get wet dressings on her but I'm not allowed to do anything to help according to the clinic so I have to tell them to get to PG ASAP and get a damp towel around her arm. They want we to take them in the van but I have no keys and I don't think Evert would be amused if they came to him, so I have to get them to hitch. That's so shit. I am in bits for the rest of the afternoon and when everyone come by in the evening for Apocalypto I tell them about her and ask whether I did the right thing - because I still not sure if I did.
Apocalypto was grim - I had to leave after 20 minutes as the screaming was terrifying me and made me physically sick. Ian (aged 6) sat all the way through it and had no nightmares either! Mystifying.

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