Monday 17 September 2007

Otoxcha, so it must be Thursday

Aghh....the potholes. Thunderstorms aren't just an annoyance, they wash away bridges, flood roads and houses and help the giant lorries create gigantic craters in the dirt roads connecting all the tiny Mayan villages with the outside. Otoxcha is the furthest village that we serve with our mobile and understocked clinic (still no atenolol or any other betablockers and God help anyone with prostatism...) We arrive with the usual fanfare but find instead of a nice clinic building like tuesday we find a decrepit hut, unlocked and filthy. Had to be seen to be believed, even Sophia was shocked and she's seen alot. Still the punters arrive and to spare Sophia for interpreting I take over the BPs and BM seeing as I'm well practised after Wednesday. Oddly only established diabetics get BM's, not those at risk, apparently because we're running out of sticks. Great. And the scales are crap and can vary Dr John's weight by 12 pounds. On the up side there is a useful little chart for Paracetamol and Ibuprofen doses left by some plucky previous British Med Students..pip pip! Lucky we're got some of that then, although we nearly run out again, but its a parasite town today. Scabies and worms for everyone.

Priorities are odd here too. At the last minute a lady appears asking for some antivomiting mediciation for her daughter who had been vomiting for a month solidly all throughout the day and had lost her appetite and lot of weight. So did we visit her home - potential seriously ill person (even if she was pregnant?) No we go off to lunch at a local man's house and tell them to go to PG hospital. Right, like they have transport. Utter madness.

After the chicken soup and tortillas and still with an unpleasent taste in my mouth from this wierd 'service' we provide we hit the one home visit that is booked - an old diabetic lady that lives with her family in a large thatched house. She has a charcot joint so can't walk far, but despite immenent blindness and further damage to her limbs she is still drinking sweet tea and has a Bm of 485 (70-120). So the message has got through here too. Not.

Worst thunderstorm yet. Started early this time at 9pm rather than 2am - guess thats an improvement!

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