Monday 17 September 2007

First day #2....

Tuesday.....haven't we done this all before?! No warnings about hurricanes this time happily and we jump on board our mobile chariot picking up Sophia our Mayan interpreter along the way in San Antonio to XXXXX along some of the bumpiest roads in Christendom (NB that is until we did the Otoxcha trip). Deep deep into the jungle we go past little thatched huts of varying vintages and stages of decay, chickens, emaciated dogs, pigs and the odd duck....with schools full of children in matching uniforms all beautifully presented despite the limited washing the river... Two hours later with a fanfare of horns we arrive at our clinic and set up shop. A steady stream of customers appears and we set to work with only one interpreter and working in pairs to avoid missing anything...always means there is one left out if there are 5 of you though. I reverted to type and helped with the pharmacy side of things, well someone has to! I did see one lady who was convinced she had worms, so we treated her for them as 75% of the population are infested. She was still breast feeding which made matters a bit more complicated. Thank God for the BNF.

We have a new Doc as Dr Laura jumped ship and was spirited away by flying monkeys when the hurricane hit. He is Dr John a retired FP from Wisconsin - a smashing chap, very old school but dying to teach so we can forgive his odd moments of vagueness and selected deafness!

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