Tuesday 18 September 2007



Wierd dreams again last night - anyone would think that I'm on antimalarials - which I'm not (thank God for Dr Behrens). Dr John summons me very early on - what a sweetie, he noticed that I was in a state about the burns girl and went down to the hospital after the Apocalypto showing and checked out how she was getting on. They had deroofed the blisters (?) given her antibiotics an pain relief and bandaged her up an she was asleep when he got there. Unsure about the tetanus though....

So as the mobile clinic is cancelled today and we were unable to convince Miss Joyce to reorganise Monkey River we continue to perfect our masterpices for the HOPE presentation, and create the questionaire for the study on diet and well being. That is until lunchtime when the bomshell is dropped that the HOPE presentation is OFF ! After all our work - now don't get me wrong...these things happen but you have to check out the posters - they are awesome, especially compared with the meagre efforts the other groups managed. Rats. On the up side Dr John LOVED the mobility poster - its his thing you know - old folk and safety, he came over all misty eyed over it, so not all was lost. Not to be put off Farnaz and Rachel wander down to Miss Janice's to get ideas for suitable healthy menus for old folk just in case we can reorganise the talk.

Dinner at Marina's tonight down in town. It's an East Indian place and we pretty much all had Shrimp curry and Dr Kirk and Laura ferry us back home whilst we cross examine her about how an osteopath can also be an MD.

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