Friday 7 September 2007

The Road to Rio....

Thursday. Belize has offcially been spared the Felix and warnings are downgraded to Tropical Storm. PG is all safe but very low on staff as all ran for the hills (metaphorically - Jeff to Dallas, Laura to Houston) so nobody is around to watch over us and as a result we get an official very long weekend. Flores is declared dull despite the sun being extra shiney today and plans made to voyage south to Rio Dulce. Out of the blue I get a message from Ben and Hazel saying that they are en route to Flores... typical! I miss them entirely. No machete men out today, and we make it to the bus terminal in good time and get thrown on a Marie Elena chicken bus (rather than the 1st class coach we were expecting) to Rio. Its a good trip all in all, nice scenery of little and large round lumpy hills that could easily be hiding the next big lost city, mountains and sun with added entertainment by batty dancers and latterly a new looking Zorro film which sadly we miss as a very quick 4 hours later we are poured with the drizzling rain into the wet streets of Rio into the waiting arms of hostel hustlers desparate to get us to Casa Pericco which luckily is where we wanted to go!

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